SRJC Adult Education Certificate Programs
Are you interested in pursuing a career? Are you looking to expand your knowledge?

Basic Computer Operations
- ADLTED 761.1: Computers Level 1 - Introduction to the basic functions and uses of the computer, including: using the keyboard and mouse; browsing the internet and online purchasing; creating an email account for sending and receiving messages; creating and saving documents.
- ADLTED 761.2: Computers Level 2 - Introduction to basic functions and uses of a computer related to using a computer for more complex email actions and introductory word processing using MS Word.
- ADLTED 761.3: Computers Level 3 - Introduction to the basic functions and uses of the computer, including: creating and editing email contacts and distribution lists; creating and using folders in Gmail; formatting MS Word texts of paragraphs in documents, and attaching pictures and other objects to MS Word documents.
- ADLTED 764: Student information Systems - Introduction to the basic functions and uses of the computer as they relate to using a school district’s programs, website, and student information systems. This class is an elective; it is not required for the certificate program.
Basic Computer Operations for the Workplace
- ADLTED 762.1: Computers for the Workplace 1 - Students will learn to create a variety of documents, format text and paragraphs, and use formatting techniques to stylize a document in MS Word.
- ADLTED 762.2: Computers for the Workplace 2 - Students will learn to insert and format pictures, text boxes, tables and charts, and add a page border to create variety of documents in MS Word.
- ADLTED 762.3: Computers for the Workplace 3 - Intro to creating simple worksheets in Excel as well as enhance a worksheet using different formatting options. Students will also learn to identify the different components of Excel and open an existing workbook and create a new one.
- ADLTED 762.4: Computers for the Workplace 4 - Students will learn to create more advanced worksheets and enhance their appearance by inserting tables, charts and graphs in Excel.
- ADLTED 762.5: Computers for the Workplace 5 - Students will learn to identify the basic features and functions as well as create presentations with textual and visual elements and manipulate an existing PowerPoint Presentation.
Web-based Tools and Applications
- ADLTED 764.1: Google Tools Part 1 - Drive & Docs - Students will learn how to create, edit, share, and collaborate on files in Google Drive & Docs as well as understand their purpose and use in a personal and professional setting.
- ADLTED 764.2: Google Tools Part 2 - Sheets - Students will learn how to create, edit, and share documents utilizing Google Sheets. Students will utilize basic and complex formulas for data analysis and organize and format charts.
- ADLTED 764.3: Google Tools Part 3 - Slides - Students will learn how to create a Google Slides presentation, add visual elements, apply textual formatting, import and convert a presentation and share a presentation.
- ADLTED 764.4: Google Tools Part 4 - Forms & Blogger - Students will learn how to utilize Google Forms to create forms, surveys and quizzes, as well as, create and manage a blog using Google Blogger.
- ADLTED 764.5: Google Tools Part 5 - Photos and Sites - Students will learn how to upload, download, edit and share photos, and create albums in Google Photos. Students will also learn how to create, update, personalize, and publish a Google Site.
Starting a Small Business
- ADLTED 751: Starting a Small Business - Learn the skills you need to start or improve your small business. Students will learn how to: 1) Understand & evaluate a business idea, 2) Develop a business concept, 3) Navigate government regulations, 4) Understand business operations and procedures.
- ADLTED 752: Small Business Finances - Overview of the financial aspects of operating a small business. Topics include: credit and personal budgeting; financial record-keeping; managing cash flow; banking; choosing an adequate record keeping system; and financing a small business.
- ADLTED 753: Marketing for a Small Business - This course provides an overview of successful marketing strategies for small start-up businesses. Students learn to examine and analyze consumer behavior, identify target market segments, price for profitability, and select promotional tactics. The course emphasizes the integration of these marketing functions into an effective marketing plan.
- One computer elective course
Small Business Management
- ADLTED 756: Managing a Small Business -This course is designed for students who are interested in improving and growing their small business. Topics will cover the responsibilities of being a small business owner, including: leadership development, business dynamics, sales and service, finances and human resources.
- ADLTED 771: Customer Service - Introduction to principles and techniques for delivering outstanding customer service. This course covers the attributes of customer service-oriented businesses and development of appropriate customer service skills.
- ADLTED 753: Marketing for a Small Business - This course provides an overview of successful marketing strategies for small start-up businesses. Students learn to examine and analyze consumer behavior, identify target market segments, price for profitability, and select promotional tactics. The course emphasizes the integration of these marketing functions into an effective marketing plan.
Financial Literacy
- ADLTED 791: Personal Finances - Overview of personal financial management skills, positive banking relations, and achieving financial security. Topics include: personal budgeting; saving; credit; appropriate use of credit cards; banking services; consumer installment loans; and buying real estate.
- ADLTED 792: Planning for the Financial Future -Students will learn to review an individual financial situation, develop financial goals for retirement and identify appropriate means to achieve these goals. Topics will include: financial goal setting, life insurance, different types of retirement accounts and investment options.
Introduction to Landscaping I: Plants and Environmental Conditions
- ADLTED 748.1: Edible Landscaping - An introduction to designing, growing and harvesting edible plants in the landscape with a focus on fruits and vegetables.
- ADLTED 743: Plants and Environmental Conditions - Introduction to green gardening and landscaping with an emphasis on occupation-specific terminology and communication skills using common phrases for interacting with clients or future employers.
- ADLTED 740: Preparation for OSHA 10 - This industrial and construction safety course will provide an entry level worker’s general awareness in recognizing and preventing hazards on a job site. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be eligible for an OSHA 10 completion card.
- One of the following electives:
- ADLTED 748.2: Nursery Operations - Plant propagation and production practices with emphasis on nursery operations.
- ADLTED 748.4: Tree Maintenance & Pruning - Students will learn and practice the basics of tree pruning and maintenance.
- ADLTED 721: Workplace Arithmetic Pt 1 -Instruction in basic operations of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Application of math concepts and problem-solving strategies to specific trades and industries.
- ADLTED 722: Workplace Arithmetic Pt 2 - Instruction in basic operations with decimals, fractions, percents, and conversions among them as related to various trades and industries. Application of measurement systems and metric system and basic principles of geometry to work-related tasks. Interpreting data in charts and graphs as related to specific career and technical fields.
Introduction to Landscaping II: Irrigation and Non Plant Features
- ADLTED 742.1: Irrigation and Non Plant Features - Introduction to non-plant landscaping with an emphasis on industry-specific terminology related to water use. Students will practice communication skills using common phrases for interacting with clients or future employers. Topics include landscape planning, irrigation systems, greywater and stormwater capture, tools, air quality, workplace safety, and employment opportunities.
- ADLTED 742.2: Irrigation and Non Plant Features, Part 2 - Introduction to different types of hardscaping non-plant features such as walls, pathways, fences, seating, decks and pergolas and gazebos. Students learn to read and interpret a landscape design plan.
- ADLTED 740: Preparation for OSHA 10 - This industrial and construction safety course will provide an entry level worker’s general awareness in recognizing and preventing hazards on a job site. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be eligible for an OSHA 10 completion card.
- One of the following electives:
- ADLTED 721: Workplace Arithmetic Pt 1 -Instruction in basic operations of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Application of math concepts and problem-solving strategies to specific trades and industries.
- ADLTED 722: Workplace Arithmetic Pt 2 - Instruction in basic operations with decimals, fractions, percents, and conversions among them as related to various trades and industries. Application of measurement systems and metric system and basic principles of geometry to work-related tasks. Interpreting data in charts and graphs as related to specific career and technical fields.
- ADLTED 748.5: Introduction to Sprinkler Repair Maintenance - This course introduces students to the basics of irrigation systems with particular focus on: repairing sprinklers and damaged lines; raising, lowering, and relocating sprinkler heads; troubleshooting the main assembly.
- ADLTED 748.6: Landscape Equipment Operations - Students will learn about pre-operation, operation, and post-operation maintenance of a variety of commonly used types of landscape equipment. Much of the course focuses on hands-on operation of landscape equipment in safe and effective ways.
Fire Resilient Landscaping
- ADLTED 748.3: Fire Resilient Landscaping - In this course, students will be introduced to residential and commercial landscape and building maintenance practices that reduce risk of structure loss during wildfire and guide safe and effective post-fire mitigation and clean-up. Students will learn principles for fire risk reduction; structure hardening; defensible space; safe and proper use of appropriate tools and equipment; considerations for worker safety and worker rights; relevant laws and regulations; and appropriate prioritization and execution of actions to reduce fire risk
- ADLTED 740: Preparation for OSHA 10 - This industrial and construction safety course will provide an entry level worker’s general awareness in recognizing and preventing hazards on a job site. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be eligible for an OSHA 10 completion card.
Introduction to Building & Construction Trades
- ADLTED 744: Survey of the Building Trades and Construction Industry - In this course, students learn about the construction industry, the building design process, construction project process, and roles and responsibilities of those involved: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, project managers, technicians, sub-contractors, workers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, bankers, lawyers, and the public. Students also learn about career opportunities in the construction industry.
- ADLTED 746: Building Plan Reading - This course introduces students to reading and interpreting construction plan views, section cuts, elevations, and details for construction purposes. Students will learn to accurately apply measurements in drawings to varying scales and estimate material quantities for projects from building plans.
- ADLTED 740: Preparation for OSHA 10 - This industrial and construction safety course will provide an entry level worker’s general awareness in recognizing and preventing hazards on a job site. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be eligible for an OSHA 10 completion card.
- One of the following electives:
- ADLTED 721: Workplace Arithmetic Pt 1 - Instruction in basic operations of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Application of math concepts and problem-solving strategies to specific trades and industries.
- ADLTED 722: Workplace Arithmetic Pt 2 - Instruction in basic operations with decimals, fractions, percents, and conversions among them as related to various trades and industries. Application of measurement systems and metric system and basic principles of geometry to work-related tasks. Interpreting data in charts and graphs as related to specific career and technical fields.
Child Care Provider
- ADLTED 731.2: Curriculum & Program Development - Introduction to developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant curriculum in early childhood settings (birth to age 8). Students will develop age-appropriate activities and plan effective learning environments for children in a family child day care setting.
- ADLTED 731.3: Child Development - Introduction to the theories of child development and developmental milestones that guide healthy growth and development of children from birth to age 8. The role of the child care provider as a communicator with families and children will be explored.
- ADLTED 730: First Aid, CPR, AED and Bloodborne Pathogens -This course teaches basics of CPR, AED and First Aid emergency response skills which enable participants to give immediate care to a person who has been injured or is experiencing a sudden illness.
- One of the following electives:
- ADLTED 731.1: Professional Operations & Licensing - Introduction to requirements for obtaining a license as a family home care provider. The course focuses on the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) code of ethical conduct and the Ten Program Standards as well as California's licensing procedures. Topics emphasize professionalism, health and safety, nutrition, and licensing regulations.
- ADLTED 751: Starting a Small Business - Learn the skills you need to start or improve your small business. Students will learn how to: 1) Understand & evaluate a business idea, 2) Develop a business concept, 3) Navigate government regulations, 4) Understand business operations and procedures.
- ADLTED 752: Small Business Finances - Overview of the financial aspects of operating a small business. Topics include: credit and personal budgeting; financial record-keeping; managing cash flow; banking; choosing an adequate record keeping system; and financing a small business.
- ADLTED 753: Marketing for a Small Business - This course provides an overview of successful marketing strategies for small start-up businesses. Students learn to examine and analyze consumer behavior, identify target market segments, price for profitability, and select promotional tactics. The course emphasizes the integration of these marketing functions into an effective marketing plan.